

My 5 Tips to Success

I was interviewed for the Coventry Radio Plus 'Talk Business' show on what factors I felt contributed to my success. Being interviewed for this radio show helped me reflect on how successful I actually am if I measure myself against what's important to me. Here are the factors I mentioned.


Having the Confidence to Pursue Your Dreams

This month we have a guest post from Reader's Digest, designed to help you follow through on all those great ideas you have. It can be frustrating when you have all these ideas and you just can't seem to make them happen. Here's a few tips to help you through that and make those dreams a reality.


Expectations: A Severe Case of the 'Shoulds'

I'm nearly 30 - I should be married by now. I should have kids by now. I should own a house by now. I should be settled in my career by now. I should not be eating this chocolate! Sound familiar? Sounds like a severe case of the 'shoulds' to me. We put a lot of pressure on ourselves to have all these things before a certain age. This post explores these high expectations, usually set by others, and how we can manage them.


Spring Sale: 30 Minutes Free Coaching

Yesterday, British Summer Time began. To celebrate this period of transition and make the most of the Summer months, I am offering you 30 minutes free coaching with the first coaching session you book in, potentially saving you a whopping £52.50. Be quick though - this offer ends May 31st!


Why It's OK To Be Single At 30

Having seen quite a few clients already this year, and heard about their Christmas breaks, it reminded me of the pressure that people in their late 20s and early 30s face from family, friends and society to "settle down and have kids". I experienced the same questions over Christmas - "When are you going to have children? You're not getting any younger. I had three kids at your age." In this post, I explore why it's OK to be single at 30.


'End of Year Review' Exercise

At the end of each year, I like to review what I've achieved that year, what's gone well and what I'd rather forget. This exercise is a great way to do that. It also encourages you to think about what you'd like to get out of 2015. By thinking ahead you gain an idea of what actions you need to put in place to achieve next year's goals.


How To Think More Positively

We start to think about all the negative reasons for not trying something new, all the things that could wrong, and all the reasons why we're not up to the job. We start to doubt ourselves and our ability to cope with the worst case scenario. Here are two ways to overcome these doubts.


How To Tackle Remote Job Interviews

Telephone and Skype job interviews are used by employers more and more to shorten the recruitment process, overcome location barriers and bring down costs. In this post, guest authors The Carling Partnership have prepared tips for you to successfully tackle both types of remote job interviews.


Turning 30: How it Feels & How to Cope

I'd say about 90% of clients come to coaching when they're in their late 20s, regularly commenting that it was their looming 30th birthday that had triggered their anxiety about where their life was heading. There's something about turning 30 that shakes us awake and gets us questioning ourselves.


What is Life Coaching?

Although coaching has been around for many years, the majority of people still don't know what it is or what's involved. Here, the most common myths about Life Coaching are dispelled and an accurate picture painted of what coaching really is.


Life Coaching in London

A Life Coach can help you get back on track with your goals, rather than rushing through life with little thought or self-awareness of whether the path you're going down is the right one for you. I offer face to face sessions to clients all across London, and further afield by telephone or Skype.


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Alice Stapleton

About Alice

Alice coaches those who want to change career but don’t know what they want to do instead. She offers Career Coaching designed to help graduates, early to mid-level career-changers, and parents returning to work gain a clear vision of what career is right for them, and how to achieve it. She is also an accredited Coach Supervisor, and host of The Career Change Diaries podcast.