

Gen Y Characteristics

This article is about exploring the negative characteristics of those within generation Y, those in their 20s and early 30s are being labeled with in the workplace.


How to Present Yourself Better

I work with quite a few clients who would like to feel more confident presenting and speaking up in meetings. I went to a talk recently by Robin Kermode, one of Europe’s leading coaches to CEOs, boards, and senior professionals, who spoke about bringing authority and personality to your work, and the best way to maximise the effect of personal communication and the secrets to confident speaking. A few of his tips are worth sharing if you’d like to feel more confident speaking up.


Overcoming Barriers to Decision Making

When we’re contemplating change, there are always decisions to be made. We can stay in decision making mode for a long time, going backwards and forwards as we think about all the pros and cons of the options we have before us. It can feel quite paralysing, so much so that sometimes we opt to just do nothing.


Spring Sale

I don’t know about you but I’ve found this winter pretty grim. I feel like I’ve been in hibernation mode since Christmas. I have set myself the goals I want to achieve for the year but to be honest, I haven’t done much towards them these last two months.


Are Your Thoughts Holding You Back?

Being creatures of habit, our minds want us to stay in our warm, safe comfort zone. To stay put saves us energy and we know what to expect. We think we have things figured out and that helps us feel in control. That’s great unless we want things to change.


Life Lessons From Cycling

Bear with me here, I do have a point! Having got in to road cycling about a year ago, my passion for the sport has had its ups and downs. At first, I just wanted to give up. It was so hard (because I was unfit and didn’t know how to cycle efficiently) and everyone was so much faster than me. I couldn’t keep up and felt like a failure.


Dreading Going Back to Work? Here’s How to Look Forward to it.

Let’s face it, even if we love our job, the thought of the first day/week back at work after the Christmas and New Year break can feel pretty crappy. I’ve been doing one or two things, which I feel are making that first week back seem bearable and I’m actually starting to look forward to it. I’ve listed these things below to help you look forward to going back to work too.


Review your 2013 & Preview your 2014

In my role as a coach over at Mind The Gap, we’ve been working on putting together an exercise to encourage those in their 20s and 30s to review what 2013 meant to them, whilst also getting them to think about what they want out of 2014. The questions are great so I thought I’d share them with you.


Launch of Mind The Gap - Market Research

Over the past few months three other coaches and I have been working away to launch a new coaching community called Mind The Gap for those in their 20s and 30s who are perhaps experiencing what feels like a quarter-life crisis.


You Are What You Eat

Remember that little lady, Gillian Mckieth? ‘The Poo Lady’, as I used to remember her as, who then went on to make a bit of a spectacle of herself on ‘I'm a Celebrity...’. Well, I'm beginning to realise she had a point. You are what you eat.


Adjusting Your Lens

The other week I went to a seminar on the use of Neuro-Linguistic Programming techniques in coaching. Many coaches I know are trained in NLP but it’s not something I've looked too much in to in the past as my background is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy so I was keen to find out a bit more about it.


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Alice Stapleton

About Alice

Alice coaches those who want to change career but don’t know what they want to do instead. She offers Career Coaching designed to help graduates, early to mid-level career-changers, and parents returning to work gain a clear vision of what career is right for them, and how to achieve it. She is also an accredited Coach Supervisor, and host of The Career Change Diaries podcast.