In my role as a coach over at Mind The Gap, we’ve been working on putting together an exercise to encourage those in their 20s and 30s to review what 2013 meant to them, whilst also getting them to think about what they want out of 2014. The questions are great so I thought I’d share them with you.
Over the past few months three other coaches and I have been working away to launch a new coaching community called Mind The Gap for those in their 20s and 30s who are perhaps experiencing what feels like a quarter-life crisis.
Remember that little lady, Gillian Mckieth? ‘The Poo Lady’, as I used to remember her as, who then went on to make a bit of a spectacle of herself on ‘I'm a Celebrity...’. Well, I'm beginning to realise she had a point. You are what you eat.
The other week I went to a seminar on the use of Neuro-Linguistic Programming techniques in coaching. Many coaches I know are trained in NLP but it’s not something I've looked too much in to in the past as my background is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy so I was keen to find out a bit more about it.
I’ve been working with a budding writer recently and he sent me this great take on a well known parable.
In my eyes, today signifies the first day of Spring. It certainly might not feel like it as it's still bitterly cold but March, April and May are now on their way. Yay!
On the 4th August this year, I will be taking on a cycling challenge like no other (!) through the closed roads of London and the Surrey Hills. It’s a modified version of the London 2012 Olympic Road Race, starting in the Olympic Park, which is pretty cool. The 100 miles however may not be so cool!
If you will be spending Christmas or New Year’s Eve on your tod this year, then no worries, try out the following...
Short interview for AskimoTV on the quarter-life crisis, what it is and how coaching can support individuals in their 20s and early 30s going through this confusing and frustrating period of their life.
Short interview for AskimoTV on Positive Thinking, what it is, the importance of thinking positively and how you can train yourself to view things from a more optimistic viewpoint.
I usually write a post each month but somehow October has just appeared out of nowhere! Anyway, here we are again in the last quarter of the year. Time to turn over a new Autumn leaf and get going on those goals you wanted to achieve by the end of 2012.
Throughout my career as a coach for young professionals, clients have often commented on the changing dynamics of their friendships throughout their 20s. It can be a confusing time. I think this little poem can help you understand why some friendships might begin to change as we grow older.