On Monday, I was asked to join Simon McCoy on BBC News Live to answer questions from viewers struggling to find work during the Pandemic. I answered questions relating to CVs and interviews, offering advice and tips along the way.
As part of my ongoing Career-Changer series, I was delighted to reconnect with an old school friend, who I spotted from LinkedIn had changed career and started his own wine business. Here, I share Edd Simpson's journey, from musician, to teacher, to starting his own business in the wine industry.
Earlier this week, I spoke to Ayesha Murray for her podcast, The Parent Equation. Ayesha coaches working parents looking to progress their careers or improve their work life balance alignment. We discussed our experiences of becoming a parent, and the impact children have on our working lives.
If you’re a new coach starting out, or struggling to get your coaching business going, then this video is for you. I was interviewed as part of a series of fireside chats for the coach training company, Firework (who I trained with). In it, I share all my experiences of starting my coaching business.
As part of my ongoing Career-Changer series, I spoke to recent career-shifter Duncan Macnaughtan about his journey from delivering data science projects to starting his own alcoholic drinks company. Duncan has gone from dreading Mondays to enjoying the creative freedom his new career now offers.
There’s no denying that 2020 has been a year of uncertainty. This article explores the Change Curve, a model designed to help us understand the array of difficult emotions we all experience during a period of upheaval, whether that be the recent pandemic or your current career change journey.
As part of my ongoing Career-Changer series, I spoke to recent career-shifter (and friend) Alex Burgess about his courageous journey from infrastructure IT to starting his very own company, inspired by his experiences as a new parent.
It’s taken you a while, perhaps years of niggles, but you’re now aware that a change in career is required. So, what now? Where do you start? The first thing to do is examine your career change expectations, and ensure that they are as helpful as they can be.
A few weeks ago, I was asked to record a careers talk for the school leavers of one of my old schools. The advice I gave is incredibly relevant for graduates and career changers too, as there’s a similar sense of ‘getting started in something new’ and ‘what’s next’ that spans both situations.
As part of my ongoing Career-Changer series, I spoke to career-shifter (and dear friend) Jemma Khan about her courageous journey from being a Recruitment Consultant, to starting a whole new career, and her own business, as a Florist.
What I’ve noticed over the past few weeks are a handful of thinking patterns that appear to be driving the fear a lot of us are currently experiencing. What are these unhelpful thinking habits we can look out for? How can we challenge them to enable us to think in a way that’s much more helpful?
I can only hope that you are all keeping well at this strange and unprecedented time. I imagine your career may well feel rather uncertain at the moment, but, on the flip side, perhaps this new level of downtime may prove to be a welcome opportunity to pause and reflect on your career.