December's podcast episode is a unique one in that I spoke to none other than myself!
After my podcast guest dropped out last minute, I took the opportunity to record and share my own career change story. I discuss what made me want to move away from being a Probation Officer, and how and why I ended up starting a coaching business.
I talk about the patience and grit required to change career, and what often holds people back from making a change. I also pass on my advice for career changers, based on my 14 years of coaching experience. The episode also covers the pros and cons of changing career, as well as sharing my own particular path to self-employment.
Whilst not the usual format for this podcast, hopefully all that is shared will be helpful for prospective career changers in the year ahead!
Listen to the interview below via Spotify, or on Apple Podcasts. You can also watch the video version on YouTube.