I recently found a necklace a friend gave me a while back which I thought I’d lost. It was a necklace with a silver fairy charm on it which came in a box with seven little stars. There was a little note in the box from the jewellery designer which reminded me of an exercise I often suggest to some of my clients to develop their positive thinking and focus on the good in their life. Have a read and give it a go yourself. It’s a little odd but the principle of it works wonders for positive thinking and learning to appreciate your life.
This is the ‘Fairy of Appreciation’. She holds seven stars about her, so each morning when you wake up, list at least seven happy thoughts or things you really appreciate in your life.
As you settle down to sleep each night, find at least seven things you enjoyed throughout the day and reflect upon them, appreciating the person or experience.
When we give attention to those things that give us pleasure and delight, so the universe will offer more of the same.
Janice Cook, The Lightness of Being 2000