Over the past few years, I’ve been reading a lot of personal development books, predominately for my own benefit, but also with an eye on the challenges that clients are likely to be experiencing when it comes to career change. I’ve also completed a Diploma in Coaching Supervision, which ran me through the relevant psychological theories to consider when supervising fellow coaches who are working with clients on what they want to change.
The strongest theme that has emerged from reading all those books, completing that training, and coaching individuals seeking change for over ten years now, is how FEAR is the one thing that holds us back from doing pretty much anything new. It also massively skews our experience of daily life.
For example, if you’re deeply honest with yourself, how many of these fears ring true for you?
Fear that your life is meaningless
Fear that you’re not worthy
Fear that you’re not respected
Fear that you’re not of value
Fear that you’re not lovable
Fear that you’ll be abandoned
Fear that you’ll be rejected
Fear that you’ll be alone
Fear that you’re not enough
Fear that you’re not good enough
I can’t help but feel that all of our worries in life generally stem back to one or two of these deep, ingrained fears. Someone says or does something that hurts you; you see a great job but don’t apply; you get nervous meeting new people; you argue with your partner about something they’ve said or done, etc. Nine times out of ten, it’s because one of these fears are being triggered.
The Part Neuroscience Plays
It’s taken me a long time to appreciate the importance of neuroscience in understanding what we go through when considering and implementing change. I remember studying it for my Psychology degree, and it being way over my head. However, I think I get the gist of it now - basically our brains are still extremely primitive. We forget that we are just animals, with a fight or flight response, just like them. Like them, our brains are designed to scan for threats and risks in order to keep us alive. That’s why we love routine - it saves energy and it keeps us safe through predicability. This is all great if you’re still out hunting and gathering, less so if all you want to do is change career!
A well-known acronym for FEAR is: False Evidence Appearing Real. And that’s the problem right there…we experience and think about past, current, and future events, interactions, choices and decisions, and our imagination runs wild. Our brains also have a built in negativity bias (again, designed to help keep us safe by getting us to plan for the worse so we don’t die), which means that we often perceive these things in an inaccurate and pessimistic way. We run through all the above eventualities, determine if there is any risk of these happening, then we make an assessment on how to proceed. To the person, the evidence seems completely compelling, accurate, and therefore real. So, what happens? We decide not to take the risk, based on false evidence appearing real. We forget that outcomes are not always predictable, and that we are resourceful and capable enough to deal with many of the risks and ‘dangers’ that we might experience. For example, if one of the above fears came true, what’s the worst that happens? Absolutely nothing. So what if you’re not good enough, so what if someone rejects you, so what if someone doesn’t like, so what if you’re alone, so what if life doesn’t have meaning - honestly, it’s not a big issue. You’ll be totally OK if any of these things happen.
If we know this, then what is fuelling all of these fears exactly? Our desperate need to be part of the ‘pack’, that’s what. We are social animals, who, traditionally, were more likely to survive when part of a group. If you were rejected, ousted, or not strong enough to keep up, you would be at risk of being on your own, making you more vulnerable to danger and death. Again, super helpful back in the day…not so helpful when you’re just considering changing your job!
Our Human Needs
A few weeks ago, I attended a really interesting talk by Lori Shook where she introduced her ‘Be SAFE & Certain’ model, which highlights a set of needs that we assess decisions against before proceeding. If any of these needs appear threatened, the brain sends out red ‘stop’ signals, designed to discourage that action and keep you safe. If there’s no trigger or threat to that need, a green ‘go’ signal is received, and you feel safe to continue. Clever, huh?
Capturing the essence of the fears I outlined above, Lori clarifies these fundamental needs as:
When you’re considering a career change, it’s highly likely your brain will be sending you red stop signals left, right and centre. For example:
As I said, red stop signals all the way, mainly because your negativity bias is helping you see all the negative things that could go wrong, in order to protect you and keep you in a routine, comfortable and safe. But, of course, all that leads to is staying the same and not making any changes. And, how does that future look? Not great, I imagine.
So, how can we overcome our fears, and turn some of these red stop signals into green ones?
1. The first thing to do is to just be aware of all of this. Understand that the default of the brain is just not helpful when considering change. That’s why it feels so hard, and we ALL struggle with it.
2. The second key is to realise that, half the time, the evidence your brain is making you consider is utter crap. What it isn’t taking into account is how much the world has changed, and how capable and resourceful you really are. You’re not scraping around for food anymore; you’re not living in a cave, open to predators and enemies anymore; your tribe is not on its own anymore, it’s part of a wider, stronger community; you’re problem solving and planning is second to none these days.
3. Following that, run through the above needs and consider how you can switch your perspective so that it’s not a stop signal at all, but a green light opportunity instead. For example:
So, when your brain is having a field day around the above (some refer to this as our Chimp, our Gremlins, our inner-critic, our saboteur), try to see it simply as a scared animal that needs calming down. Reassure it that you’re safe, everything is OK, there’s no real threat and you can make it work. You’ve done it before (think of all the adversity, challenges, and drama you’ve overcome to get here today), and you can do it again. Calm it down (perhaps through breathing exercises, mediation, or mindfulness) and assess the reality of the situation in a logical and rational way (CBT works wonders here). Remind it that most problems can be solved, and I’m sure you’re living proof of that.