Job hunting is a difficult process. Not only is writing a CV and cover letter time-consuming and challenging, applying for jobs, receiving rejections and attending interviews is a stressful process. In this piece for Yahoo Finance, Alice provides her tips on how to manage anxiety and stress while applying for jobs.
Back to School for Grown Ups: Alice spoke to the Evening Standard about using that ‘back to school’ feeling we get at this time of year as motivation to make positive changes.
Alice was invited on to Anxiety Expert Chloe Brotheridge’s popular podcast to speak about changing careers in our 20s and 30s. Chloe’s Calmer You podcast gets 4-5k downloads each episode, and is always in the top 10 for self-help podcasts on iTunes.
As part of BBC 5 Live’s Twenties Takeover day with the Huffington Post, Alice joined Emma Barnett to discuss what our careers are like in our 20’s, and the rising trend of the side hustle.
The Sunday Times Style magazine asked Alice for her tips on changing career later on in life. Whilst the advice was for an article documenting the inspirational stories of those who switched careers in their 40s and 50s, the tips still stand strong for anyone considering a career change.
An interview is a chance for a potential employer to find out more about you. Importantly, though, it’s also an opportunity for you to get to know a firm and the way they work. So what questions should you ask employers during an interview? Alice gave her tips to Yahoo! Finance.
Most organisations follow a formal process when it comes to pay rises, financially rewarding staff once a year. However, there are no hard and fast rules. If you have resolved to ask for more money, The Telegraph’s collated tips from these Career Coaches may help boost your chances of success.
If you find it hard to know how best to handle your finances, you’re not alone. Stylist rounded up the best tips from women who’ve been there and done that - one of which was Career Coach Alice Stapleton.
Alice was interviewed by Jane Garvey for the Radio 4 Woman’s Hour programme on how to stick to your New Year’s Resolution.
After years of failed New Years resolutions, we're less concerned about what we should resolve to do in 2019, and more whether we should bother setting any. It can sometimes feel like a futile pursuit, only setting us up to feel guilty mid-June when we can't even remember what we wanted when we got sucked into the 'New Year, New Me' Instagram posts. That's why Grazia spoke to Alice about how to set realistic resolutions, and what we should be asking ourselves when we make them.
Alice was interviewed on Channel 5 News regarding a new survey conducted by LinkedIn on the reasons we stay in jobs we don’t enjoy.
Workers across the UK are staying in roles they are unhappy in because self-doubt stops them from applying for their dream job, according to new research from LinkedIn. Alice provides advice and tips for overcoming the common obstacles we face when wanting to apply for a new job.